Sunday, November 1, 2009

Thesis. 1+3+(NO-9)

Sensitive, progressive Architecture can elevate the status of underprivileged people in society and contribute to progressive social and cultural development.

The inability of the underprivileged to obtain the same luxuries as the privileged results in expansive fissures in the social and economic climate. While these fissures depress the community, they also create an opportunity for (re)invention and ingenuity to propel the status of the relevant group. Architecture that utilizes these opportunities and is aligned with the community's progressive and coherent thought results in the elevated status of these underprivileged people - an empowering condition defiant of the enduring fissures in globalized societies.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Position Paper V.1.2

Resourceful Use of Materials Relative to Societal and Environmental Concerns is

Architectural Expression of "Global Culture" is cancerous (I fear this point is irrelevant.) Societies need architecture that is not an expression of consumerism and wealth, but one that is an expression of the social needs of that place. This cultural relevance is what will propel architecture in to a .... (place?)

In a continually growing network of globalized countries is Architecture only to be a consumer based endeavor...... What about Architecture for the people?

Site: Lost geographical, environmental, spacial concerns of macro and micro area.

Program: Social relevance, inclusive, exclusive, continually progressive, timid, blatant

Space: Expressive, Scale, Approach, Entry, Threshold, Adequate, Over-adequate, pleasing, shocking, exhilarating, temporary, lasting.

What is the role of ingenuity in these projects? Would I be satisfied creating a very elegant space that meets the needs of the people and program? Or will I and society be better served by pushing it further. If thesis is to set a precedent for the next 5, 10 , 15 ,50 years of my life- I'm not comfortable with this project not pushing it further. "It" = Convention. "Pushing it further"= Avante Garde

Inability of "poor", disabled, underpriveleged to mediate harsh environments with avaible building materials, structures, transportation- providing alternatives utilizing local materials, labor and practice (?)--- and progressive, non-conventional

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Program Study

Response: Program

Since I've Left Site Analysis for now... I figure I should Do this reading

Monday, September 14, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009

Position Paper V.1.1

Sustainable Architecture Is Rooted In Contextual Sensitive Decisions

Architectural expression of global culture is a false God. True relevance to place lies not in expressions of consumerism and wealth, but in coherent collections of "rooted" gestures across a landscape. Cultural relevance and sustainability are interchangeable

In a continually growing network of globalized countries Architecture is losing the ground beneath it. The "ground" that is brought in by the truckload blankets any geographical inheritance. This ignorance breeds the demons of global culture. While global culture grows it also applauds the "growth" of other nations, continually shutting out the underdogs of society. These underdogs- often the stewards of culture- have lost relevance to global culture. The lavish appeal of architecture for consumers has sustained the industry for the past century. It is the Architecture of sustainability that will sustain the industry in the future. Ensuring a place for those who have been rejected ensures a sustainable community. A sustainable place ensures that Architecture will not become a consumerism based endeavor.


Many places have A clearly discernible culture, how does one mediate global culture:
To find "true place" in a culture of consumerism
To find the resident community in a continually growing melting pot of races
To seek those who have been neglected by society- the underdogs
To enhance or sustain a community (are the two interchangeable?)
To sustain that place (is that the goal?)


I visited Seattle at the very end of this summer with the goal of getting to know the place- to sprinkle a little dash of the west on my mind. (If one has yet to visit Seattle, I highly recommend it.) If you make yourself vulnerable and put yourself in a state of awareness you will not be disappointed. While this blog is not the place for specifics, my visit to the Seattle art Museum's exhibit of Andrew Wyeth really enlightened me to a way of thinking about place.

There was a quote in the exhibit about what drove Wyeth to paint- his answer was the place- his community in Chadds Ford, PA
, their interaction with the landscape, and the landscape itself. His art came from an unyielding love and curiosity for that place- the borders of which- however vague geographically, are clear in his art.

Andrew Wyeth   Winter, 1945 

Monday, August 31, 2009



While the initial understanding of a "Phantom-Like Mass" may lead to "Skeletal Formation I find it a major leap that the "WHO" is not part of this initial phase. The Who is or will be of that place, and will be just as rooted as any stationary condition. Shouldn't buildings respond to conditions of site in a broader context, one to include to accumulated social and cultural history of the who? The answer likely lies in the definition of the Who. The Who embodies a larger community, respectfully not a single person. While I may not be sure the boundaries of this community, one can speculate that there is a geographical or social border isolating groups from this slippery fish of a site analysis...

While a responsible design process may respect an environmental condition, is it not a highly destructive endeavor in conception (making stuff)? Spaces are for people and things not environment. Yet a building is created and will be destroyed. Humanity Continues as Spaces do. Humans Die much the way that a space will instantly- there is a single moment when one is alive and then not.... it is a flash.

The Moment a building begins is another flash.

“A great building must begin with the unmeasurable, must go through measurable means when it is being designed and in the end must be unmeasurable.” -Louis Kahn

it shall return to the measurable dust from whence it came.